Not sure what you need, or the policy problem just seems too big, start with a Policy Discovery Session.
Need a policy project completed? Discover more about what is done for you.
Upskill your team for the policy challenges ahead, find a capacity building workshop that suits you or sign up for our one-on-one coaching.
We demystify the policy rollercoaster, upskill your team and help you solve the policy problems keeping you up at night.
Policy done well has the potential to change the world.
Policy done poorly is wasteful, costly and can be incredibly damaging.
Salli’s a long-time policy practitioner with more than a 23-year love-hate relationship with developing, implementing and evaluating policy.
While doing policy well is her main focus, Salli’s expertise is helping you deal with the proverbial shit hitting the fan. If you think your policy process is going to run smoothly, you need to think again. Challenges will come up and it’s essential that you know how to respond, re-set and get back up again.
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